We dont just sell wheelchairs

Having a trusty walking aid can assist anyone with limited mobility by helping to get them getting around and preserving their independence. Whether you require additional support and stability through old age, are recovering from surgery or an injury, or are simply recuperating from surgery, a variety of walking aids are available to meet your needs. As well as walking frames, this guide will cover various varieties of walking aids, including rollators and tri-walkers all of which we sell here at the wheelchair company.

Walking aids

A multitude of walking aids are for sale on this site, each possessing distinctive characteristics and advantages. Rollators, canes, crutches, walking frames, tri walkers, and walking sticks are the most prevalent varieties of walking aids.


The Van Os Goability rollator walking aid

A rollator is a form of ambulatory device featuring wheels and an integrated seat designed to help with walking and also to provide somewhere to sit when it is time for a rest. Rollators are available in various designs and rely on the user to propel them. Individuals who require additional stability and support while walking should consider using rollators, which can serve as a transient or permanent mobility aid.

To see our range of rollators please click here

Rollator selection

Rollator selection can have a significant impact on the user's mobility and independence. When in the market for a rollator, keep the following things in mind and make sure they are suitable for your needs:

Weight capacity

Confirm that the user and any additional objects they may be carrying can be supported by the rollator.

Width: The rollator's width should be taken into account to ensure that it can manoeuvre through doorways and confined spaces leaving ample room either side.

Adjustable handles

For optimal comfort, search for a rollator that can be adjusted to the user's height. The push handles are height adjustable on most models. Unless you are extremely tall or short then most models should cater for you but do check the height range.


Most rollators come with brakes that can be used to enhance control and improve safety. Although generally used on the level it is very useful to lock the wheels to make the rollator more stable as you walk towards it.

Wheel size

On irregular surfaces, larger wheels offer enhanced stability and manoeuvrability. However, if you intend to use it inside then smaller wheels are ok on smooth surfaces.


For storage and transport, search for a rollator that can be folded effortlessly.
Some rollators include additional components, such as a basket or tray for transporting objects. Consider whether the user would find these features beneficial and if they need removing to fold the rollator.


The Z-Tec steel tri walker walking aid

A tri-walker consists of three wheels and is designed to offer support and stability. It is capable of functioning both as a transient walker and a permanent mobility aid. Tri walkers are not advisable for making long trips or using on irregular terrain.

To see our range of tri walkers please click here

Selection of a Tri-Walker
When selecting a Tri-Walker, the following factors should be taken into account:

Weight capacity

Ensure that you and any additional objects you may be carrying can be supported by the Tri-Walker.

Dimensions and manoeuvrability

Take into account the width of doorways and any confined areas to check that the Tri-Walker can accommodate them adequately.


For added safety, search for a tri walker with secure and user-friendly brakes.


Ensure that both the handle height can be adjusted to suit your individual preferences.

Consider whether the Tri-Walker has any storage options for your personal belongings, such as a basket or bag.

Walking frames

A walking frame, alternatively referred to as a walker or zimmer frame, is a form of mobility assistance designed to aid individuals with walking difficulties by offering support and stability. Walking frames generally comprise a framework featuring four legs affixed to handgrips, which enable the user to grasp the frame for support during the process. For mobility convenience, wheels may be attached to the front legs of certain walking frames and are then called wheeled walkers.

Selection of a Walking Frame
When selecting a walking frame, there are a number of factors to consider in order to obtain one that meets your requirements. A few essential considerations to bear in mind:

Weight and dimensions

Ensure that the walking frame is of appropriate proportions and that it is manageable to carry and manoeuvre without difficulty.


Seek out a walking frame with the capacity to modify the distance between the handlebars and to achieve the accurate height for you.
Stability: Evaluate the walking frame's design and construction to guarantee that it is stable and capable of delivering the required level of support.
In selecting a walking frame, take into account the specific form of mobility required, such as whether it is for indoor or outdoor use.