Don't let the wheelchair stop you trying dancing. Dancing is a fantastic natural antidote against osteoporosis and stress, and it also allows individuals to maintain an active lifestyle, control functions such as cholesterol, and control their weight. Dancing has various benefits, both physically and psychologically beneficial. Additionally, dancing is an effective method for enhancing flexibility, strength, and endurance, as well as helping to channel energy and emotions, strengthening the heart, and strengthening the heart. To put it another way, dance can assist us in maintaining our physical fitness and enhancing our sense of self-worth irrespective of whether you use a wheelchair or not.

All individuals, regardless of age, gender, or physical condition, are able to reap these benefits from engaging in the activity of dancing. The purpose of this article, on the other hand, is to concentrate primarily on the advantages of wheelchair dancing as well as the various types of this activity that is not only pleasant but also brings people together.

Watch some wheelchair dancing here

What exactly are the advantages of dancing while using a wheelchair?

It is generally accepted that those with impairments can benefit from participating in any sport. Dancing is a form of physical and emotional discipline that offers several therapeutic benefits to individuals who have difficulties related to their physical state, sensory perception, or learning. The following are some of the advantages of dancing in a wheelchair:

It enables us to have a deeper understanding of our bodies

The ability to recognise particular movements and postures enables us to gain a deeper understanding of our bodies and the constraints that we can impose on them. This understanding is essential for overcoming the physical obstacles that we face and enhancing our mobility. The psychological benefits of being aware of our body and the capabilities it possesses are also quite positive. This is especially true when it comes to assisting us in learning to accept ourselves for who we are and to communicate our feelings.

Staying active and healthy is a situation in which everyone benefits

The physical exertions that are involved in dancing are beneficial for us and can assist to strengthen our hearts and raise our lung capacity. This is the reason why the British Heart Foundation Association promotes dancing as an aerobic activity to minimise the chance of developing heart disease.

A further advantage of wheelchair dancing is that, on a physical level, it can serve as a "substitute" for going to the gym in order to lose weight. One hour of dancing can burn between 200 and 400 calories, which is a figure that is comparable to that of cycling or running. Additionally, just like other aerobic sports, wheelchair dancing can assist us in lowering our cholesterol levels.

Facilitates improvements in memory, coordination, and postural hygiene

The adoption of improper postures in the wheelchair can frequently be the result of sedentary daily routines and a lack of exercise. This can lead to more significant problems such as pain in the back, arms, and neck. We are able to quickly rectify these improper postures while also reducing stress in the joints and lower back, as well as strengthening our bones and muscles, while participating in wheelchair dance, which is one of the many amazing benefits of this activity.

Enhancing one's coordination can also be accomplished by studying choreographed moves, which can be done either on an individual basis or in a group environment. Additionally, when we learn dancing routines (steps, motions, interactions with partners, etc.), we strengthen our memory and increase our ability to accomplish several things at the same time. Our ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously also increases.

Boosts our sense of self-worth and lowers our stress levels

Dancing, like other creative hobbies, gives us the opportunity to express ourselves on a physical level, which in turn helps to reduce stress levels and increase the synthesis of endorphins. Dancing also helps to control our serotonin and dopamine levels, which are important neurotransmitters that are responsible for regulating our mood. That being said, dance has the potential to assist us in maintaining a more upbeat, joyful, and enthusiastic mood in our day-to-day lives.

It is possible that dancing will help us get along better with one another

The capacity of wheelchair dancing, or dance in general, to encourage interaction is yet another advantage of this form of dance. The participation in group sports practices encourages social inclusion and contributes to the establishment and strengthening of social relationships, as we have noted in a few of our other blog pieces in the past.

That is not all, however; because of the movements and contact that are involved, dance can serve to help us communicate better with other people. This is because dance transforms our bodies into vehicles that can transmit our life history and experiences. This is precisely the goal of inclusive dance, which allows people with and without disabilities to share the stage. The dance floor is transformed into a communal living place through the implementation of this activity, which is developed by certain businesses expressly.

In spite of the fact that wheelchair dance is typically conducted in groups or by couples, it is also possible to use it as a form of individual therapy due to the fact that the techniques and styles are adapted to each individuals' specific needs.

There are several categories for wheelchair dancing as an adapted sport. A significant number of individuals engage in wheelchair dancing as a form of competitive sport, in addition to the apparent advantages of wheelchair dance as a form of leisure activity.

Since 1998, wheelchair dancing has gained popularity all over the world. It is recognised by the International Paralympic Committee, the World Federation of Sports Dance, and the Wheelchair Dance Sport Association UK. In addition, wheelchair dancing has been recognised by the World Federation of Sports Dance.

Wheelchair dancing levels:

As of right now, there are four primary categories of wheelchair dancing that have been developed to compete at different levels:

Two people that dance together and both of them require wheelchairs.
Composed of or combining. The situation in which one member of a couple utilises a wheelchair while the other member does not.
Formation (or conglomeration of groups). Wheelchair dancing distinguishes itself from other forms of dance in that it allows people to dance in groups, regardless of whether or not they are using wheelchairs. Between four and eight couples will take part in the event in total. To each person. Wheelchair dancers that are performing alone fall under this category.
It is safe to say that the many styles that are used in wheelchair dancing competitions are virtually identical to those that are used in generic unadapted dance categories.

The standard style of dance. The waltz, the Viennese waltz, the foxtrot slow, the tango, and the quickstep are examples of "classic" dance genres that are included in this category.

The style of dancing known as Latin. These include salsa, rumba, chachachá, and pasodoble, among others.

The free style. Hip-hop, folk music, and street dance are examples of current styles that are considered to be the most "free" types. Additionally, this category encompasses contemporary dance, ballet, and any other styles that are not covered in the first group, such as cumbia or belly dancing.

You might want to try dancing in a wheelchair

As was mentioned, there are a multitude of advantages to wheelchair dancing, both in terms of the physical and psychological aspects of the activity. Therefore, if you enjoy dancing, why not give wheelchair dancing a shot once in a while?

Folk who use wheelchairs are able to participate in this activity. Additionally, persons who have sensory disabilities (such as problems with vision and hearing), people who have psychic disorders, and other groups who have challenges with movement or learning can also participate.

In any circumstance, dancing helps you enhance your capacity to engage with others, express yourself, and integrate with others. It also improves your rhythm, coordination, balance, and flexibility.

There is a wide variety of dance schools where you may try wheelchair dancing for yourself and experience the numerous advantages that come along with it. There is no doubt that you will have fun.